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Distribution of ONmacabim

Distribution of ONmacabim


ONmacabim skincare was developed by Judean Desert Herbs Ltd. a leading Israeli manufacturer of cosmeceutical skin treatment products. The company manages complete production cycle: controls the cultivation of medicinal plants, their collection and procurement, develops formulas, conducts tests and is engaged in certifcation and manufacturing.

Majority of the raw herbal materials used in ONmacabim products are produced in Judean Desert. This is a unique region on the coast of the Dead Sea for more than two thousand years as the birthplace of exclusive medicinal herbs. Harsh climatic conditions force plants to accumulate a huge amount of beneficial trace elements. Ancient manuscripts often describe how Jewish herbs were used to treat various problems of skin.

Based on the rich experience of the ancient peoples of the Middle East, the ONmacabim scientific center has created an effective technology for extracting biologically active substances from plant materials. Proprietary formulation capsulates hight concentration of useful photocomponents that assist in metabolic processes. Proving instant healing and rejuvenating effects on the skin.

The indisputable advantage of ONmacabim skincare is a diverse range of targeted products that can ideally be combined with each other to obtain best possible results in the short period of time. Our products do not contain mineral oils, fragrances, chemical dyes or ingredients of animal origin. An innovative formula and clinically proved product efficacy, secure ONmacabin as a leader in professional and home skincare.


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1 Comment(s)

  • Carlos Manuel Colho Garcia April 18, 2023. 16:50.

    Dear Sir My name is Carlos Garcia from company Gift of Life at Portugal . We are national company we sell to country and we participate in the mains shows at Portugal . We are open since 2007 and we have 10 employers with training Room at Porto . You can see our web site at - and our faceboock Glnails We are interesed in your brand , is possible to send the exportation price list and some samples to test it ? We already work with cosmetics brand utsukuzy and Norel . Thanks Carlos We wre inteswed in your

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